Gongxiang01名人堂 Gongxiang01,后室新兴大乐子,唯一后室圈被全域封禁的非zhiyin用户。其破坏之广从锑百到mc再到数室和暗房,其心智之幼稚史无前例。 其事迹记录于此。 撰写者/参与人. 主要撰写者: Glorysans(留言) User:Ghtr123 (待补充) 添加内容后,将你的名字写在上面。 参与人员: User:Belugafan1234 User:魔术菇 User:Ghtr123 Glorysans(留言) (待补充) 让我们对这些“对Gongxiang01反击战”的勇者予以最高的敬意! 主战场站点 “Gongxiang01呵!你自认为不受规则的束缚,胡作非为,骑在成员头上,最后还是得被人们摔垮!” 锑星百科 故事: 智商! 辱骂! 违反《锑星宪法》! --Gongxiang01大帝 无记录故事,急需撰写。 详见链接:https://antimony.fandom.com/zh/wiki/Gongxiang01。 行为: 分不清氢气和氧气,化学水平还不如赵明毅。 创建一大堆智商相关公认超理无关页面,还在“智商”条目里反复试图添加“智商提升的方式”。(而且“提升智商的方式”听起来更符合汉语语法,“提升”听起来最简洁最符合wiki的风格) 删除超理史里对自己不利的描述。 到处给自己的wiki打广告还想把这件事记在锑星百科上,花了好大力气才认识到不能给自己的wiki打广告这一显而易见的道理,而且动机还是“会被封禁”这一功利性动机而非真正意识到这样做的非道德性。(见文字资料“不要给自己的wiki打广告!”) 讨论区伪造本站行政员User:Canis Major签名。 要求罢免管理员User:Sxlzr444。 把对其破坏行径的揭露称为辱骂与诽谤。(典) 认为锑星百科记载锑度百科的黑料是不正当竞争,即使锑星百科和锑度百科甚至根本构不成竞争关系,更无所谓不正当竞争。 狡辩说其在其他平台上的账号不是本人。 故事 一开始,Gongxiang01在暗房站写了一个名为“Ghost Level 32jrg3e8i7qi2839+9831739842612/00000000.000000”的页面,其文章本体在同名模板页面(画蛇添足了属于是),其内容为大量违反写作规范的无意义重复内容。随后管理User:57571bb将文章移动至“Ghost 32jrg3e”。 同时,User:Glorysans在页面“Ghost Level 32jrg3e8i7qi2839+9831739842612/00000000.000000”上添加删票,多次受Gongxiang01的回退,最后该页面以删除为结束。 页面源代码: “{{Ghost Class|class=Classic -1928|safety=对新手伤心,对老手极好|security=不直到看摊完不完全因为是无限大的层级|entity=实体贼拉多有无数个}} {{黑票|作者申请删除,不需要了。这是烂文。|[[User:Gongxiang01|Gongxiang01]] Googology Lover ([[User talk:Gongxiang01|讨论]]·[[Special:Contributions/Gongxiang01|贡献]]) <span style="background-color: yellow;">Can you speak Chinese?</span> 2023年11月27日 (一) 06:06 (UTC)}} = 描述 = 这个层级与《喔的使节》这个有系很想。她不同的是斯了会去[[Ghost 0]],我这个规则还大大的限制,我赶紧凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑个字数>)=)=>。 == 几户没个喽层的每个平米有10个实体以上,但这是哼烧术的情况。 == === 苦力怕的爹是派性者。 === 我就不抄袭你能咋地? = FEATURES = 其特有:基岩自破,必死。且去苦力怕的体内,不爆也。 == 实体 == THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!!THERE IS NOT ENTITIES!!! == 资源 == 无数个Objects。 ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! ATTENTION: THERE IS NO MORE!!! The 健康水 is very big to seeing! == GO and 出口 == 出口 === 所有喜欢玩《我的世界》的人进入了胺世,就会来到这里 === 入口 === 死亡就会来到LEVLE 0(后室。) ===” 随后,Gongxiang01不断在暗房进行大大小小的破坏性编辑,并创建了多个页面,其一般无意义,亦或者是与暗房无关,甚至是违反写作规范的恶意挂人内容,并之后试图以“改成虚构的了”为由申诉,随后被驳回。 User:Glorysans在Gongxiang01的留言墙谴责他,被以“骚扰”为名义多次删除留言当缩头乌龟,最后以User:Glorysans申报管理,Gongxiang01永封为结局。 行为: 恶意挂人。 把对其破坏行径的揭露称为辱骂与诽谤。(典) 喜欢使用包含大量语法错误甚至夹杂汉字的英语(其实是Chinglish,暗房称Gongxianglish),死都不用正常翻译软件。 数室站 故事: Gongxiang01在数室站申请为管理,从此以后开始大肆在数室站玩神权,霍霍站点页面,尤其是对同为管理的User:Ghtr123的人身攻击与不停的角色扮演,如以“数行者行为”为由封禁User:Ghtr123、以对世界观内数行者的态度对待现实的User:Ghtr123等。 随着Gongxiang01各种迷惑行为的变本加厉,“对Gongxiang01反击战”打响。当事人User:Ghtr123与目睹Gongxiang01行动的User:Glorysans开始在多个帖子内不断弹劾Gongxiang01并招来了站长User:Belugafan1234与管理User:魔术菇的围观,最后招致Gongxiang01被站长罢免(大快人心)。 记录: 注:所有权限以当时“对Gongxiang01反击战”时期为主。(所以别问为什么Glorysans没有管理员头衔了!) “对Gongxiang01反击战”第一阶段:“离间计” “对Gongxiang01反击战”第二阶段:“装无辜” 罢免后,Gongxiang01仍然不消停,继续在自己的js页面内攻击站长(胆大包天,见下文证据),用自己搞的渠道申诉(虽然没什么用),装无辜、并试图以“离间计”为由要回了神权,在要回神权后的第一件事就是加上自己的管理员头衔,并在编辑摘要中留下了千古名句:“Now I is THE ADMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!”。最后,该事件以Gongxiang01被全域封禁一事画上了句号。 js源代码: “switch (mw.config.get('wgPageName')) { case 'User:Belugafan1234': console.log("It was rollback my permission!"); document.getElementById("mw-content-text").innerHTML += "<br>Wrong records:<br>- 因为小事取消我的管理员权限"; break; }” 小号故事: 在Gongxiang01被全域封禁后,它又开了一个未注册的小号,在数室中英双站中的楼层列表页面上添加了大肆侮辱Fandom并让他人前往Wikidot的内容(实际上这违反了分叉政策的第二条:“Fandom的wiki不得用于推广或宣传分支wiki。”)。随后User:Glorysans与User:Ghtr123分别在中英两站用权限围堵并永久封禁该ip。 行为: 把对其破坏行径的揭露称为辱骂与诽谤。(典) 狡辩说其在其他平台上的账号不是本人。 喜欢使用包含大量语法错误甚至夹杂汉字、以汉字表达顺序说的英语(其实是Chinglish,暗房称Gongxianglish),死都不用正常翻译软件,用doog翻译文章。 小号行为: 开小号在页面中大肆张贴侮辱Fandom的内容。 受破坏的站点编辑编辑源代码 后室站 故事: 无记录故事,急需撰写。 行为: 神风。它写的购史Level ZH 503被修改后贴上暗房。(一一一=lll) 打广告,并且称规则没有提到禁止打广告。(缺乏常识) 把对其破坏行径的揭露称为辱骂与诽谤。(典) 块室站 故事: 它在块室中写了一篇名为“The Void / 空室”的史,在被管理Ghtr123上了绿票后,不仅不反思自己文章的质量问题,反而还在绿票上面加了一行“这是非法的绿票,请版主不要管他”。在有人帮助它重写了这篇购史(已经修改为BlockLevel NULL并发布)后,它又在原页面中还原了那篇购史,并且将绿票删除。事后这篇购史文章被删除,Gongxiang01被封禁。🤣 购史文源代码: “{{DISPLAYTITLE: The Void:空室}} {{Contribute}}编辑规范: 禁止删除现实出口! 此绿票是非法的绿票,请版主不要管他。 本描述信息已经补充。 {{绿票|描述过少,你家原版mc有降落伞啊|[[User:Ghtr123|Ghtr123]]([[User talk:Ghtr123|留言]]) 2023年8月31日 (四) 09:57 (UTC)}} {{Class 0|entity=轻微精神危害}} '''空室'''是一个在死亡或者卡出的状态下可以达到的异常域层。 == 描述 == '''空室'''由基岩、物资箱组成的,大概为80*80*80的空间大小。并且,这里不完全遵守Minecraft的规则。根据我们推测,这一层很有可能在块室与正常Minecraft的交际处。 我们已知这层会不断的出现杏仁奶桶。可以通过杏仁奶桶来缓解这种感觉。但是,一个玩家进入空室后,其他玩家不会更容易卡入这个域层,这是不会影响的。 == 怪物 == 这里没有任何怪物。所以,暂时是安全的。 == 据点与前哨站 == 暂时未知,但是进入后'''强烈建议'''建立据点。 但是,根据这个建议,会发生大概率有据点的情况。 == 发现日志 == === 日志1 === 以下是一段关于'''空室'''的电话录音。 {{Minecraft Style|body= < 录音开始 ><br> A: 喂,喂,喂,是[[B.M.E.G.]]吗?<br> B: 这里是[[B.M.E.G.]],请问您有什么需要帮助吗?<br> A: 我达到了一个地方,这里全是基岩。<br> B: 稍等,我查看一下数据库。<br> <大约5分钟过后><br> B: 数据库里没有发现这个域层,您很有可能卡入了新的域层。<br> A: 哦。 B: 请您描述一下这个域层的情况,以及您是怎么卡入到此域层的。<br> A: 我本来还在[[BlockLevel 542]]休息呢,不小心按到了{{Keys|N}},就卡进来了…… “此处省略400字” B: 好的,请您稍等,我们会派出队员营救您。 < 录音结束 > }} === 日志2 === {{Minecraft Style|body= < 录音开始 ><br> A:喂,兄弟,我这是在哪,怎么我在[[BlockLevel 2]]里卡一下就过来了,Wiki里Bl2也没有这一层的出口啊?<br> B:我们这里是一个刚发现的域层,叫做空室('''The Void''')<br> A:我先查下 WiKi。<br> B:等太久了,我直接跳下去试试。<br> C:我也跳。<br> A:我到了[[BlockLevel 542]]。<br> C:我到了[[BlockLevel 0]],怎么回事啊?<br> < 30秒空内容 ><br> B:我们要不仔细研究研究吧。<br> < 录音结束 > }} == 入口与出口 == === 入口 === * 如果你在 Blockrooms 中死亡会来到这里。 * 如果你卡入虚空,也会来到这里。 === 出口 === * 如果你找到鞘翅飞下虚空,将会回到现实。 * 如果不用鞘翅飞向虚空,将会有大概率进入[[BlockLevel 542]],小概率进入[[BlockLevel 0]]。” 行为: 神风。 顶撞绿票与管理员。 替换重写内容为神风文。 把对其破坏行径的揭露称为辱骂与诽谤。(典) Minecraft Wiki 故事: 无记录故事,急需撰写。 行为: 证据:链接:https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/baserooms/images/e/ed/Gongxiang01%E9%AD%85%E5%8A%9B%E6%97%B6%E5%88%BB.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/0?cb=20240406071713&path-prefix=zh。 在中文Minecraft Wiki故意插入包含“迷你世界”的内容而被永久封禁(甚至还被挂上了wiki迁移视频里当做反面教材,典)。 社区中心 故事: 无记录故事,急需撰写。 行为: 喜欢使用包含大量语法错误甚至夹杂汉字的英语(其实是Chinglish,暗房称Gongxianglish),死都不用正常翻译软件。 在社区中心发布数篇讨论控诉其它站点管理对它的“恶意”行为,典型的恶人先告状行为。 大数学 Wiki 故事: 无记录故事,急需撰写。 行为: 无记录行为,急需撰写。 受破坏的Fandom外站点 mcbbs 故事: 无记录故事,急需撰写。 行为: 无记录行为,急需撰写。 Note.ms 故事: Note.ms/chat最开始有一个聊天室,后来被“制裁者”用脚本锁定了,接着,原来的维护者授权保护组织CleanNote建立投影计划,通过技术手段来恢复使用。 接着,Gongxiang01通过一直在编辑页面里面造谣来破坏投影计划,2023年10月2日还开始在原NoteBBS(新的在bbs.notems.xyz)疯狂造谣,冒充管理员,开了十几个号搞破坏,于是我就给它发了一些警告,然后把站长叫来了,站务把它的号全ban了。 小号行为: 之后,Gongxiang01又在hcbbs继续造谣、冒充,开了30多个小号,自导自演,由于站长不积极,包括管理组在内的用户和它对线了两个月,站长才拦截它的IP。 接着,Gongxiang01为了抵制站务,又分别对标Chating Club、NoteBBS、hcbbs分别搞了一个冒牌货,在里面疯狂造谣、暴政,当然最后几乎全被炸了。 行为: 无记录行为,急需撰写。 Gongxiang01的站点编辑编辑源代码 “……随着Gongxiang01对成员的压榨逐渐加深,人们奋起反抗,将那创世神Gongxiang01从高高的行政员权限上击坠……” 大数室 故事: 无记录故事,急需撰写。 行为: 撰写许多与后室世界观违背的内容,并且贴在后室讨论版中宣传,在他人提出后拒不修改,还说后室的世界观不合理。 拒绝他人对其中页面的出于善意的修改。 说不过别人就封禁。 随意编辑他人的评论。(你说过不要乱动别人东西的) 拿别人在其他wiki的沙盒里写的东西当所谓“前科”无理取闹。 无理取闹证据: Glorysans · 2023/10/6:《Entiy》 不是Entity吗? Glorysans · 2023/10/6:@Gongxiang01。 Stapel · 2023/10/7:Nobody cares. Gongxiang01 [管理员] · 2023/10/7:我知道,但是想要写少点字。 Glorysans · 2023/10/7:But I cares. Glorysans · 2023/10/7 (由Glorysans编辑过):@Gongxiang01 你如何定义写作规定里的“恐怖”和“危险层级”?还有你难道觉得我们不知道大数室和后室都是不存在的吗? Gongxiang01 [管理员] · 2023/10/8:恐怖是过于吓唬人的,让人害怕的。您可以去网上查查啥叫恐怖。别写的像恐怖小说/电影似的。 危险层级就是难度为“危险”,很容易受伤和死去的楼层。 Glorysans · 2023/10/8:那我搞个玩jumpscare的人类算不算恐怖? 还有一些特殊的生存难度(比如杨队的母衣)算不算恐怖? Glorysans · 2023/10/8:还有,我求你别把我想成连恐怖是什么都不知道的xxs了(恼) 我只是想问问你对这个词的定义是啥 还有,“害怕”对于胆子不同的人标准也不同,你对此又怎么定义? Gongxiang01 [管理员] · 2023/10/9 那我搞个玩jumpscare的人类算不算恐怖? 还有一些特殊的生存难度(比如杨队的母衣)算不算恐怖? ————算 还有,“害怕”对于胆子不同的人标准也不同,你对此又怎么定义? ————正常胆小者。 Gongxiang01 [管理员] · 2023/10/9:那我搞个玩jumpscare的人类算不算恐怖? 还有一些特殊的生存难度(比如杨队的母衣)算不算恐怖? ————算 还有,“害怕”对于胆子不同的人标准也不同,你对此又怎么定义? ————正常胆小者。 Glorysans · 2023/10/9(由Glorysans编辑过):建议使用格式化文本。 Gongxiang01 [管理员] · 2023/10/9(由Gongxiang01编辑过):谢谢 疑似前科:https://backrooms.fandom.com/zh/wiki/User:Glorysans/Lgeid_3245678987654e34567898754。 Glorysans · 2023/10/9(由Glorysans编辑过):这是我自己拿来自嗨的,不是文,不是写在这里的捏,有事没事别翻别人的沙盒。 Gongxiang01 [管理员] · 2023/10/9(由Gongxiang01编辑过):你认为恐怖的不要去写。 别动不动就受伤死亡的。 Glorysans · 2023/10/9(由Glorysans编辑过):我又没添加在网站里,你在这里说有什么用,你的写作规定最多只能约束你网站的东西 这是讽刺小鬼的,别拿你网站的规矩说其它网站的东西,那我然室还极度危险呢 看来你是不可能管理好wiki的,去别人网站里找黑点。 Gongxiang01 [管理员] · 2023/10/9:不是,我是提醒一下。 Glorysans · 2023/10/9(由Glorysans编辑过):你拿我其他网站的东西提醒我有什么用,你连那玩意在沙盒的作用都不知道。 Gongxiang01 [管理员] · 2023/10/9(由Gongxiang01编辑过):那后室有什么用?Level 0是好像是吓人的,Level !也是。 Glorysans · 2023/10/9(由Glorysans编辑过):Level 0是阈限,不是吓人 然后level !重写了。 OIer Wiki 故事: OIer Wiki的故事分为两大部分:封禁前与封禁后。 封禁前:该时间部分对OIer Wiki的信息极少,目前仅知道该wiki为Gongxiang01为了误导公众、形成舆论为目的搞的假wiki。 封禁后:该时间部分中,现在由于Gongxiang01被封了,所以User:DefaultUser6等人正在尝试接管。 小号行为。(存疑) 接管时,一位叫User:Note.ms的疑似Gongxiang01小号用户开始对User:DefaultUser6等尝试接管的人无理取闹,同时建造Note.ms Wiki并对User:DefaultUser6等人无理永久封禁来阻止他们领养wiki。(实际上这根本无法阻止这些人领养,因为接管的所有人都已在几天前获得了权限,且Fandom职员可以解封一些被无理封禁的人(乐)。) 行为: 无记录行为,急需撰写。 文字资料: “时间的沧桑,并没有让这些资料被历史的车轮所摧毁,而是被完整地保存了下来,流传至今。” “它们有些是Gongxiang01的行为记录,有些是大家奋起反抗的文章拓片……” “Sorry because I am a time's 冲动” 文字资料: User:Gongxiang01 • 2023/8/30:Sorry because I am a time's 冲动. Sorry! I is forgot to add reference so find this event. but I say not 证据 and warnings. But this's have. I is 一时冲动. Admin, I want you cancel the block. I don't do for later this events. User:Gongxiang01 • 2023/11/16:That from https://googology.fandom.com/zh/wiki/Special:%E7%94%A8%E6%88%B7%E8%B4%A1%E7%8C%AE/Gongxiang01。 User:Kirkburn [职员] • 2023/11/20:^ could you possibly give this block a review? We've been contacted about it, and asked them to try and discuss it with you directly. User:P进大好きbot • 2023/11/21:Hello. I explain the history together with sources in the community central, and review my judgement. First, I blocked the user for only 1 month at Chinese Googology Wiki. The reason of the block is: (1) the repetitive violation of the policy, even after many warnings followed by the final warning and kind requests to follow the policy with the clarification that I did not want to block the user. Secondly, I extended the block period. The reasons of the extension are: (2) the persistent trial to spread incorrect information that I did not warn the violation before the first block although I had warned several times including a warning clarified to be the final warning, (3) the repeated harassments by wrong labellings in both of Chinese Googology Wiki and the community central such as the incorrect claim that the block was just maliciously given (cf.https://community.fandom.com/zh/wiki/%E7%95%99%E8%A8%80%E5%A2%99:Winston_Sung] 2022/11/01), (4) harassmental creation of my user page in the community central blaming me (cf https://community.fandom.com/zh/wiki/Special:%E6%97%A5%E5%BF%97?logid=28413), and persistently harassmental creation of so many Forum pages blaming me (cf. deleted pages: Forum:恶意封禁记录, Forum:被恶意封禁, Forum:P进大好きbot, Forum:恶意封禁记录,帮我解禁行不行?). Thirdly, I strengthened the block status so that edits of the talk page is forbidden. The reasons of the strengthening are: (5) the user just repeated to claim that the block was illegal instead of looking back the his or her own attitude, and (6) the irresponsible attitude to ignore the request to show a source of the user's incorrect claim that I was violating the FANDOM's terms of use. (If I remember correctly, several attitudes were repeated in my message wall in the community central, and I think that admins have already deleted them. Therefore, I currently cannot find a log for the messages.) Fourthly, the user repeated inappropriate attitudes in another wiki (English Googology Wiki) aimed at me: (7) The user creaed a Forum page at English Googology Wiki to appeal the blocking without explaining what he or she actually had done. (Then an admin of English Googology Wiki clearly explained that these were different communities and hence such a request to admins in English Googology Wiki was not effective). (8) The user further created appealed it at the talk page of the policy of English Googology Wiki by ignoring the comment by the admin, spread the wrong information at English Googology Wiki that I did not listen to the user, although I made so many conversations. (Then the admin again explained the same thing.) (9) The user furthermore persistently requested me to unblock him or her at English Googology Wiki. Then I judged that the persistent trials in English Googology Wiki (especially the spreading wrong information) is a serious harassment. I have already directly explained the user in English Googology Wiki that the attitude was inappropriate, although the user might hide you the fact because you asked the user to contact me again. By the block history above, I do not think that the user will be better, and additional treatment to the user will just continue to lead to serious harming of my reputation due to the persistent labelling and the persistent spreading of wrong information. User:Gongxiang01 • 2023/11/21:Sorry, this is a 冲动. 第一,第四是一个正常的申诉行为,并且方针中没有规定这回导致封禁。 第二,另外,您确实警告过了,但是我添加的是原创模板并非大数内容/(主)命名空间的条目,而条目应当对此模板添加参考来源。 第三,方针中并没有规定这会导致封禁,所以这个封禁是不合理的。封禁一般作为防止垃圾信息使用,而此类编辑并非“恶意”。有时只需要添加{{删除对象}}的模板就可以了。 第四,您wiki的部分条目(如葛立恒数、一等)没有添加参考来源,您没有对其进行处罚。 第五,您不应该对其永久封禁处罚,理由与第三条相同。另外,我建议您查看Help:假定善意、Help:封禁等内容。 ---- 我正在进行Special:Contact。 User:P进大好きbot • 2023/11/21 (由版主编辑): No. I and another admin of English Googology Wiki have explained three times that you should read back en:Help:Blocking. It is clarified "Repeatedly asking admins for unblocking or leaving multiple messages to that same end may be considered harassment and have the exact opposite effect." Since you continued it after the request, it is not regarded as a normal appeal. See also "You shouldn't use other wikias for this and drag the conflict into another community's space. That can get you banned from that wikia, or (if you keep doing it) from all of Wikia" from the guideline en:User_blog:Sannse/How_to_Get_Unblocked. I and another user of English Googology Wiki have already explained the inappropriateness of the vandalism using a template. Use of a template does not justify your repetitive destruction of articles ignoring the policy. Repetition of the same claim by ignoring others' explanation is not appropriate. Such a vandalism is strictly forbidden in the policy. So, the claim is simply false. Also, blocking is used not only for spams, but also for harassments. Your edits are regarded as spams due to the repetitive ignoring of the policy and the warnings, and your excessive harassments are regarded as further reasons for extending blocks, as I have already been explained above. The claim is an irrelevant whataboutism, and does not justify your vandalisms and harassments. Your repetitive harassments arround FANDOM give sufficient reasons for the extension of blocking. Also, I am always assuming good faith, but your excessive harassments are not justified. Unfortunately, almost all of those claims are what I have already explained. You seem to just ignore past discussion, and to repeat the claims which have already denied. User:Gongxiang01 • 2023/11/22 (由版主编辑): 我读过了,但是我认为你的封禁是完全不公平的。 我在Googology Wiki中添加数字Class模板不是出于恶意的目的,但是您的wiki不想让添加此内容,我表示歉意,您应该直接说“不得添加此类模板”之类的话。但是,为何删除对象这个模板没有参考来源? 我不是出于破坏的目的,我是为了完善内容,让页面变好。但是造成了您的误解表示歉意。 骚扰是一时冲动,封禁也可以用于骚扰。而“垃圾信息”的定义是添加外部链接或非法的广告,您的定义错误。而且我有部分的忽略是忘记,你应当提醒。 难道申诉就是骚扰?申诉不是总得需要回复吗。 总之,我的编辑不是出于恶意的目的。但是我做出了一个无来源的模板(或者可以说创建很多无来源的页面(任何命名空间的条目)),我就被封禁了,我认为这是不合理的。可能是我的误会,敬请谅解。 还有您可以说中文吗? User:P进大好きbot • 2023/11/23:Since you clairified here that you actually checked the help page and the guideline explaining the inappropriateness of your appeals, it follows that you intentionally did the inappropriate appeal at the other wiki. This is not justified by your wrong claim that my block was wrong. You should be responsible for what you yourself did, and hence your claims on other users do not justify your attitude. At least, your statement that it was a normal way to appeal is absolutely illogical since you are understanding the inappropriateness of the appeal. For the claim on the unfairness, I and another user in English Googology Wiki have already explained the inappropriateness of your edit. The repetition of the claim which has already been denied is not constructive. Even if you insist that you were always trying to make the wiki better, you actually repeated so many vandalism in many articles even after warnings and explanations of the policy. As long as you did not stop the violation under the claim that the violations were given under the belief that the edits made the wiki better, what you were doing is nothing other than spam. Every user should equally follow the policy. Your wrong claims were that my blocking was malicious. It was just an inappropriate labelling toward me, because I explained your violation so many times. Your explanation that a blocking can be malicious is irrelevant here, because you clarified the wrong claim in the community central during the appeal, as if it were a fact. Such a labelling is an awful harassment, which leads to a severe harming of my honor. Concerning your question whether a complaint is harassment, I have already explained why your specific behaviour caused harassment. It does not mean that all complaints in general are always harassment. At least, creating so many harassmental pages in the community central and continuing the harassmental appeal in another wiki are not jusified by "impulse", and can be a sufficient reason for extending the block span. In addition, I am aware that you are still continuing to spread at English Googology Wiki the claim that my block was wrong, even after I explained the inappropriateness to involve other communities in appeals: 链接:https://googology.fandom.com/wiki/User:Gongxiang01?curid=76611&diff=415188&oldid=398822。 Since you are intentionally continuing such an offensive attitude arround FANDOM by ignoring the help page and the guideline, I do not think that you are honestly trying to become better. User:Gongxiang01 • 2023/11/23 (由版主编辑):首先,请您说中文,中文的wiki相关讨论就应该说中文。 而根据Help:我被封禁了,我应该且有权在社区中心wiki中申诉。 另外,我实际上没有破坏,只是创建了几个无来源的内容。其实你是误解了我,认为我破坏了。另外,我带有辱骂信息的贴个人主页/Forum,是一时冲动。 而英文的wiki回复“Hey, I've saw the message wall in Googology Wiki Chinese. 模板 (English: Templates) are very important to a wiki, and hence you're not allowed to make personal content using templates. If you want to make personal content, just make a blog post. But sadly, since you're now banned permanently, you are no longer allowed to make a blog post ever again. Also, harassing the staff will only make things worse. Just read the policy, then you won't blocked.”,我没有在模板中添加个人内容,只是添加了一个帮助本wiki阅读人员更好的了解“数字的大小”,更直观的表示。而您却封禁了我。 我建议您阅读一下Help:社群、Help:封禁之类的页面。不正确的参考来源这一件事不应当无限期的封禁,应当从1天/2小时开始,逐步增加。 而且,我在英文wiki中的个人主页“Invalid Blocked|Blocked wrongfully in Googology Chinese wiki|Waiting|Big”是陈述事实,告诉大家我被封禁了。 另外,其实封禁的主要起因是“无来源的内容”,您不应该讨论封禁之后的错误申诉之类的事件,理由是方针没有规定。 骚扰是在他人非自愿的情况下通过身体或语言行动进行冒犯或侮辱的行为。而我的申诉中没有进行这种行为。 而在百度汉语中的描述,意思是“搅扰;使不安定。”,而我的申诉不是单纯的无礼的影响正常生活/工作的行为,所以,我不属于骚扰。 链接:https://community.fandom.com/zh/wiki/%E7%A4%BE%E5%8C%BA%E4%B8%AD%E5%BF%83:Wiki%E8%A7%84%E5%AE%9A%E5%8F%8A%E5%B0%81%E7%A6%81%E6%96%B9%E9%92%88: 规定必须包括有关wiki的格式、发生封禁的方式及时间、页面保护和用户如何成为管理员或其他身份的指引。 一个好的规定“不能破坏wiki的运作”。好的执法方式是对用户进行教育、警告 不要充当网站的“所有者”:wiki属于社群,理想情况下,管理员不应该被认为是“负责人”,即使是wiki的创始人。他们是经验丰富的用户,被信任使用一些额外的工具来改善和保护整个社区,而不是为了个人利益。 除非您已经释出诚意和管理员(或是无法)沟通了封禁问题,且时长超过两周,此时才通过Zendesk发送支持工单。若您符合这些条件,我们会进行查核,并要求您提交沟通对话的链接。我已经发出了道歉,但是您不解决。 如果社区的管理员滥用封禁权利(比如对于同样的编辑,其他人没有封禁而是封禁了某个人,违反了使用条款中的某些规定,例如种族歧视等,或者管理员通过隐藏日志混淆视听),您可以联系社区中的另外一个管理员商讨封禁事宜。如果没有其他管理员可以帮助你或者问题依然存在,您可以通过Special:Contact联系我们的工作人员。 我认为您的封禁是不公平的。因为本wiki有很多页面,如葛立恒数、一等等没有参考来源,但是没有任何处罚。 User:P进大好きbot • 2023/11/23:Concerning the language, I remember that you claimed that the use of English violated FANDOM's terms of service. Then I asked you the source, but you irresponsibly ignored the question. Again, please answer the equestion if my use of English violates FANDOM's terms of use, because your claim that I violated it simply harmed my honor. Concerning the appeal, I have explained that (1) your appeals in another wiki are inappropriate and (2) your creations of many harassmental pages in the community central are inappropriate. Stop claiming irrelevant issue as if I were talking about general appeals. Shifting goalposts in that way is not honest. Concerning the unsourced contents, it is irrelevant to whether you describe the violation as "destruction" or not. Putting unsourced contents is strictly forbidden in the policy. Concerning harassment, the creation of harassmental pages five times in the community central and the on-going repetition of the inappropriate appeals in another wiki four times are not justified by "impulse", and give a sufficient reason for blocking. Concerning your statement "wrongfully banned", it is not just a statement that you are blocked, but clearly state the judgement by me is incorrect. This is not a statement of an objective truth of an even, but is a subjective appeal in another wiki. Since you continued the appeal in another wiki, it is simply inappropriate. Concerning the intention to "help the reader", I have already explained your incorrectness as "Even if you insist that you were always trying to make the wiki better, you actually repeated so many vandalism in many articles even after warnings and explanations of the policy. As long as you did not stop the violation under the claim that the violations were given under the belief that the edits made the wiki better, what you were doing is nothing other than spam. Every user should equally follow the policy." Stop the repetition of wrong points of views which have already negated. Concerning the block span, you are incorrectly describing the fact. I did not block you indefinitely only for the unsourced contents. (1) I first warned you several times, (2) gave the final warning with an idecation of a block, (3) blocked you for only 1 month for unsourced contents, and (4) extended the span due to your repetitive harassment after the block. Your claim that putting unsourced contents cannot be a reason for indefinite block is non-sense by the reason. Arguing on what is not a truth is not honest. Concerning your claim that I should not discuss your inappropriate attitudes after your block, it is illogical because they are the reasons of extending the block span. Since you are refusing the honest discussion on what you have ever done after your block, I stop discussion here. User:Gongxiang01 • 2023/11/23 (由版主编辑):我没有声称使用英语违反条款。 关于申诉,(1) 我可以在社区中心申诉,这是社区中心规定的。(2) 这是一时冲动。 在规定中说的无来源信息严格禁止,但是我有时会忘记添加来源,另外一个无来源的模板/多个无来源的页面就会导致无限期封禁很不合理,这很大可能是个误会。但是不添加来源绝对不是破坏。(破坏的英语是“vandalism”) 另外,有关骚扰其实就是一时冲动,下次绝对不会再有了。“并在另一个wiki上四次不断重复不适当的呼吁”,你没有指出那个wiki 是什么wiki。 关于“Wrongfully blocked”是一个陈述,告诉大家我被错误的封禁了。但是这只是一个陈述,与申诉等等都无关。 另外,您对于垃圾信息的定义错误,垃圾信息是指连接到其他网站的广告,而不是恶意的内容。而让wiki变得更好是本意,但是可能因误解/不想要等原因被你认为破坏,我很抱歉。我绝对没有发布广告信息,这不是垃圾信息。 反复骚扰只是一个冲动,但是骚扰的定义是扰乱他人。在社区中心发布不恰当的话不属于骚扰,因为你不会在不查看的情况下收到通知(Forum论坛),最多也只能算攻击行为。而您可能误解了“骚扰”这个定义。对他人反复留言无意义的内容(如“I AK IOI”)是骚扰,因为对方收到了通知。否则就不属于骚扰。 实际上,您封禁1个月也是不合理的,封禁应当从1天开始持续增加。您说的延长到无限期的理由在方针中没有提到,所以是不合理的。 另外,我已经进行道歉,如果您不缩短封禁期限,我将要进行 Special:Contact。我认为本次封禁是完全不公平的。 重要的一点,我说本次封禁是完全不公平的,不公平的原因是有些人创建葛立恒数、一等条目没有被处罚(且没有警告,且页面还保留),所以这是一项不公平的封禁。而你反复忽略了这一点。 对不起,我并非恶意,可能是您误解了。 User:P进大好きbot • 2023/11/23:It is really inappropriate to repeat the shifting issues. Even though I explained that your appeals in another wiki is inappropriate and your statement that it was normal conflicts the help and the guideline, you claimed the irrelevant statement that you are allowed to appeal in the community central. (cf. "(1) 我可以在社区中心申诉," against "(1) your appeals in another wiki are inappropriate".) Even though I explained that the block span for unsourced contents was 1 month, you blamed me for the wrong fact that I blocked you for the indefinite block for unsourced contents. (cf. "不正确的参考来源这一件事不应当无限期的封禁" against "Secondly, I extended the block period. The reasons of the extension are: (2) the persistent trial to spread incorrect information that I did not warn the violation before the first block although I had warned several times including a warning clarified to be the final warning, (3) the repeated harassments by wrong labellings in both of Chinese Googology Wiki and the community central such as the incorrect claim that the block was just maliciously given (cf. 链接:https://community.fandom.com/zh/wiki/%E7%95%99%E8%A8%80%E5%A2%99:Winston_Sung 2022/11/01), (4) harassmental creation of my user page in the community central blaming me (cf 链接:https://community.fandom.com/zh/wiki/Special:%E6%97%A5%E5%BF%97?logid=28413), and persistently harassmental creation of so many Forum pages blaming me (cf. deleted pages: Forum:恶意封禁记录, Forum:被恶意封禁, Forum:P进大好きbot, Forum:恶意封禁记录,帮我解禁行不行?).") Even though I explained that your inappropriate repetition was inappropriate after explaining in an earlier comment that it was given in English Googology Wiki, you claimed that I have never specified what wiki I was talking about. (cf "你没有指出那个wiki 是什么wiki。" against "Fourthly, the user repeated inappropriate attitudes in another wiki (English Googology Wiki) aimed at me: (7) The user creaed a Forum page at English Googology Wiki to appeal the blocking without explaining what he or she actually had done. (Then an admin of English Googology Wiki clearly explained that these were different communities and hence such a request to admins in English Googology Wiki was not effective). (8) The user further created appealed it at the talk page of the policy of English Googology Wiki by ignoring the comment by the admin, spread the wrong information at English Googology Wiki that I did not listen to the user, although I made so many conversations. (Then the admin again explained the same thing.) (9) The user furthermore persistently requested me to unblock him or her at English Googology Wiki. Then I judged that the persistent trials in English Googology Wiki (especially the spreading wrong information) is a serious harassment. I have already directly explained the user in English Googology Wiki that the attitude was inappropriate, although the user might hide you the fact because you asked the user to contact me again.") Even though I blamed you for your attitude by referring to what you actually did, you simply blame the terminological issues irrelevant to the inappropriateness of what you actually did itself. (cf. "另外,您对于垃圾信息的定义错误,垃圾信息是指连接到其他网站的广告,而不是恶意的内容。" against "Concerning the unsourced contents, it is irrelevant to whether you describe the violation as "destruction" or not. Putting unsourced contents is strictly forbidden in the policy.", and "反复骚扰只是一个冲动,但是骚扰的定义是扰乱他人。" and "Concerning harassment, the creation of harassmental pages five times in the community central and the on-going repetition of the inappropriate appeals in another wiki four times are not justified by "impulse", and give a sufficient reason for blocking.") Even though I explained that your whataboutism cannot justify your violation, you insisted the unfairness based on an irrelevant issue and further claimed that I was ignoring your claim. (cf. "重要的一点,我说本次封禁是完全不公平的,不公平的原因是有些人创建葛立恒数、一等条目没有被处罚(且没有警告,且页面还保留),所以这是一项不公平的封禁。而你反复忽略了这一点。" against "The claim is an irrelevant whataboutism, and does not justify your vandalisms and harassments." and "You should be responsible for what you yourself did, and hence your claims on other users do not justify your attitude.".) Even though I explained that the creation of harassmental pages five times and the repetition of appeals in English Googology Wiki four times cannot be justified by "impulse", you continue to try to justify them by "impulse". (cf. "骚扰是一时冲动", "另外,我带有辱骂信息的贴个人主页/Forum,是一时冲动。", "另外,有关骚扰其实就是一时冲动", "这是一时冲动。", "反复骚扰只是一个冲动", and so on against "Concerning harassment, the creation of harassmental pages five times in the community central and the on-going repetition of the inappropriate appeals in another wiki four times are not justified by "impulse", and give a sufficient reason for blocking." and "At least, creating so many harassmental pages in the community central and continuing the harassmental appeal in another wiki are not jusified by "impulse", and can be a sufficient reason for extending the block span.".) Even though I explained that your labelling that my block was maliciously given was inappropriate, you continued to claim an irrelevant general statement that a block can be malicious. (cf. "封禁也可以用于骚扰。" and "" against "Your wrong claims were that my blocking was malicious. It was just an inappropriate labelling toward me, because I explained your violation so many times. Your explanation that a blocking can be malicious is irrelevant here, because you clarified the wrong claim in the community central during the appeal, as if it were a fact. Such a labelling is an awful harassment, which leads to a severe harming of my honor." ) Even though I explained the actual history including a gradual treatment with multiple warnings much more kind than quick blocks for 1 day and with the clarification of the final warning before the block much more kind than quick blocks for 1 week, you insisted that the treatment was not gradually given. (cf. "封禁应当从1天开始持续增加" against "Concerning the block span, you are incorrectly describing the fact. I did not block you indefinitely only for the unsourced contents. (1) I first warned you several times, (2) gave the final warning with an idecation of a block, (3) blocked you for only 1 month for unsourced contents, and (4) extended the span due to your repetitive harassment after the block. Your claim that putting unsourced contents cannot be a reason for indefinite block is non-sense by the reason. Arguing on what is not a truth is not honest.") Even though I explained the reason for extending the block span as the repetitive harassment in the community central, which obviously violated FANDOM's terms of use and actually has been deleted by FANDOM stuffs, you claimed that the blocking was inappropriate due to the "lack" of the clarification in the policy, while the policy clearly states that the violation of FANDOM's terms of use can be a reason for blocking at the first line. (cf. "实际上,您封禁1个月也是不合理的,封禁应当从1天开始持续增加。您说的延长到无限期的理由在方针中没有提到,所以是不合理的。" against "Your repetitive harassments arround FANDOM give sufficient reasons for the extension of blocking".) Your persistent repetition of the shifting issues just wastes my time. User:Gongxiang01 • 2023/11/24:是你浪费了我的时间,多次忽略了我的内容。另外请您使用中文回答我。 关于骚扰方面,我都已经通过“骚扰”这个词语的意思说明了我没有进行骚扰。而且我的一时冲动是真实的,我对天发誓。而你却反复的故意说这不是冲动。而且根据wiki方针,不能作为增加封禁的理由。 根据相关社区规定,如果被封禁并且无法在讨论页申诉,请前往社区中心进行对应留言墙留言(参见Help:我被封禁了),并且你没有指出我在哪个wiki申诉。且声称英文wiki申诉的是不实内容。 “Even though I explained that your inappropriate repetition was inappropriate after explaining in an earlier comment that it was given in English Googology Wiki, you claimed that I have never specified what wiki I was talking about.”您声称我骚扰,但是请参见1.,所以我没有骚扰。 关于封禁的错误的理由最好的就是不公平的封禁,另外我也指出了证据。我虽然有错误,但是其他有错误的人没有得到任何惩罚,所以这是不公平的。 6. 就是冲动,具体可参见1. 。 您多次进行处罚我不处罚他人,这是不公平的。并且您的方针中没有提到进行“你说的骚扰(其实不是骚扰,顶多算是侮辱)”可以加强封禁。而在封禁的时候必须要按照方针的规定去封禁,所以您的封禁是错误的。 而且我已经道歉,并且您仍不解封。我将要进行Special:Contact。注意,wiki不是私人的,而是共有的,任何的封禁都必须遵守方针。 由于其他管理员不在线,我怀疑您多次把wiki将自己作为所有者。这是错误的。其他管理员若继续在线,我将要进行联系其他管理员。 而且,大数联邦wiki中“庞氏”页面有记载您的错误,请您知晓。 w:c:zh.largenumber:庞氏 User:ThousanRaine • 2023/11/24:不好意思打扰了,我来自一个与你们之间的纠葛无关的社区,甚至正在淡出fandom编辑群体。我的亲友不知为何似乎一直在关注Gongxiang01的动向,我也因此被迫了解了你们之间的矛盾。每次看到你们的回复我的血压都会升高并因此感到难受(当然这不是在指责你们两位或试图让你们停下)。我想问,Gongxiang01为什么不换一个圈子呢?你有必须留在fandom或必须待在与P进大好きbot有交集的地方的原因吗?我很好奇这一点,每天吃二手瓜实在是太难受了,如果能从你这得到答案我会十分开心。当然了,你若是比较忙碌不回复我也没有关系,仅仅在某处表达了我的疑问也足以让我平复我的心情,让血压恢复到一个平稳的状态。就是这样,祝安好~ Excuse me,I come from a community far away from your entanglements,and I am even fading out of the fandom editing community.My friends seem to find Gongxiang01 quite amusing,I also have to pay attention to your farce.Every time I see them forwarding this person's message,I feel helpless(Of course it's not your fault).Why should Gongxiang01 stay here and not leave?Fandom may not be suitable for him,and it's a waste of time for P进大好きbot to entangle yourself with him on this issue.It's like a farce,I don't know what he thinks,wishing this matter an early end.Of course,you don't have to worry too much about me.I am a onlookers——in Chinese online terms,it means "吃瓜群众".That`s all,have a good day. User:P进大好きbot • 2023/11/24:To all: I have already denied all the claims by Gongxiang01, and the user just continues to repeat the same claims as if there were no denials, by shifting issues and spreading wrong informations here. When the user continues to repeat some claims, please just check the link summarising all answers. 链接:https://community.fandom.com/zh/wiki/%E7%95%99%E8%A8%80%E5%A2%99:P%E9%80%B2%E5%A4%A7%E5%A5%BD%E3%81%8Dbot?threadId=4400000000000076079#4400000000000339141。 User:Gongxiang01 • 2023/11/24 (由版主编辑):@User:ThousanRaine 除了大数学维基fandom还有哪些大数wiki啊? 这个p什么bot那个好像有点rudely。对方就是一再否认我的内容,而且还说各种不实的内容。总感觉有点强词夺理 User:ThousanRaine • 2023/11/24:User:Gongxiang01,去自己申请一个,然后从头开始搭建。别再折磨User:P进大好きbot了,你们的对话已经没有意义了。 User:Gongxiang01 • 2023/11/24 (由版主编辑):三级域名(xxx.fandom.com)起什么好? User:铁桶 [管理员] • 2023/11/28:鉴于Fandom职员没有计划介入此本地封禁,并且管理员已与被封禁的用户讨论完毕,故本帖锁定。 As Fandom staff has no plans to intervene in this local block, and the administrator has finished discussing with the blocked user, this post is locked. “道歉信” 文字资料: User:Gongxiang01 · 2022/11/17:道歉信 我承认我添加没有来源的文章,但是您不要直接封禁我,您应当添加删除对象模板要求在对应时间内删除。 但是您没有在方针中规定不能添加没有来源的模板,我没有在侮辱您。 这个模板是方便阅读的模板,您需要一次警告,而不是直接的封禁。 我保证我绝不添加无来源模板。 User:P进大好きbot · 2022/11/17:Hello. Unfortunately, the apology cannot be accepted anymore, because you again insisted a wrong labeling here today: 链接:https://googology.fandom.com/zh/wiki/%E7%95%99%E8%A8%80%E5%A2%99:Gongxiang01?threadId=4400000000000075695#4400000000000405893。 You also made severe vandalism to my user page, and my message wall in the community central. This is just a harassment, which violates Fandom's Terms of Use. Moreover, I have already explained your multiple violation to the policy, and clearly showed warnings including a warning which is clarified to be a final warning. So, your statement that I have never warned you before blocking is simply incorrect. Anyway, you wasted my time this month, by simply ignoring any explanations. So, I do not want to waste my time anymore. See you. User:Gongxiang01 · 2022/11/18:我不应该这样做,请原谅我一次吧,我下次绝对不会这样了。 一定要原谅我一次啊! 我下次不添加无来源的文章了。 我以后一定遵守方针和用户协议,请能原谅。 我承认您警告过您很多次次,但是没有对模板做出警告,您可能是没说清楚,对不起。 请解除这次的封禁。 我下次绝不更改任何人的页面。 “不要给自己的wiki打广告!” 文字资料: User:Gongxiang01 • 2023年9月20日 (星期三) • 用户博客:Gongxiang01 您好,欢迎来到我的博客。我是两个 WIKI 的创始人。 我今天给大家分享一件事情是:不要打广告。很多人对此产生了疑惑。“我必须要打广告,因为我的 WIKI 没人编辑。”、“不行啊!没人怎么办啊?” 经历: 以前我不是这样想的,我觉得多打广告可以宣传自己的 WIKI 获得更多的编辑。 我开始在锑星百科上面写一些宣传虚构宇宙wiki 的广告,之后一部分页面被删除了,差点就被封禁了。而且,没有起到任何效果。 然后,我又继续到Backrooms Wiki写了一个页面,上面说是Googologyrooms那个 WIKI 的广告页面。然后就被删除了。继续创建,管理员给了一个删除原因:“(删除页面:这不是你打广告的地方:宣传自己的WIKI,xxxxx wiki,唯一贡献者是 Gongxiang01)”我就没在那个页面加广告了。我也不单独开页面了。 之后,我继续在沙盒页添加了几个广告,均被回退了。到我 WIKI 一看更改记录,无人编辑。 我继续在后室wiki加了个广告模板,模板名字是Template:Advertisement-user-cannot-delete,我还用到了解析器函数扩展。在我的后室页面(好像是 Level ZH 502还是 503啊)加了这个模板。 之后被红票了,红票理由:“删除。你的。广告。” 我删完广告后,继续黄票口语化了。(无关) 然后我继续去他 WIKI 的讨论区申辩,举报加红票的管理员。没有成功,最后被 Backrooms wiki 封禁了。 做广告是没有用处的。 我这个经历清楚的说明了这样是没有用处的,而且还会引来他人的反感。如果内容太多还有可能被全域封禁。所以,大家千万不要做广告。大家一定要吸取我的教训!!! 封禁了怎么办? 参考Help:我被封禁了。 想宣传怎么办? 添加页面 想要参与 WIKI 重要的是内容丰富!只有内容丰富才能有人来。如果页面多了,Fandom 可以在粉丝馈送上面宣传你们的 WIKI,但是至少要 200 页面我记得是。 丰富内容 内容都不丰富,怎么参与啊?丰富内容也是很重要的一点。页面不要无意义,要持续的完善内容。 基础:遵守下列规则 基本的基本就是要阅读:假定善意、社群相关的内容,可以先大致的阅读 Help:说明中心的内容。 感谢您的阅读!祝您的WIKI编辑人数增加! 冒充他人 文字资料: ⚠️以下内容因包含不实信息和不友善言论而被折叠,不代表本站的立场。请谨慎对待以下内容,不要受其错误或不良内容影响。 警告 如果本网站继续侵犯我们的名誉权,且不删除相关内容(以及连接到mcbbs.wiki的博客),将对您页面进行Special:Contact投诉。--Gongxiang01(留言) 2024年3月14日 (四) 10:11 (UTC) 你主张你的名誉权受到侵犯,那么你有义务履行举证责任。--Hydrogen Sulfide(论|功) 2024年3月14日 (四) 14:14 (UTC) 存在不实信息 User:Gongxiang01风波中,存在大量内容假定恶意实则不实的消息。有部分内容是对用户的误解。 甚至这种内容做出了以下行为违反Fandom使用条款:辱骂、骚扰、威胁或者恐吓其他Fandom用户; --Gongxiang01(留言) 2023年11月6日 (一) 02:38 (UTC)(注:该用户试图冒充本站行政员User:Canis Major签名,被其他用户发现并改正) 证明楼主太差了。说说看:您为什么自己在讨论页发言的时候,要署其他用户的名呢?——别杀咧拜仁谢谢你巴萨(留言) 2023年11月6日 (一) 05:06 (UTC) 暗房铭文:“税法” 其被记录在了一张红票上,大体上描述了Gongxiang01的所作所为。 文字资料: 听好了,乡巴佬! 等我当上站长,我会制定新的税法! 让我看看…… 添加无意义内容要扣税! 破坏页面要扣税! 胡乱添加红黄票要扣税! 私删红黄票、绿票和删票要扣税! 无视规则要扣税! 攻击管理员要扣税! 顶撞管理员要扣税! 乱打自己wiki的广告要扣税! 写神风还不知悔改要扣税! 无脑试图让管理封禁版主要扣税! 删除对自己不利的留言要扣税! 玩编辑战要扣税! 恶人先告状要扣税! 在其他wiki里说后室站的坏话也要扣税! 人身攻击要扣税! 添加毫无意义的规则要扣税! 歪曲他人言论的意思要扣税! 标记不实信息也要扣税! 严以律人宽以律己要扣税! 威胁他人要扣税! 开小号要扣税! 辱骂别人的亲人要扣税! 公然辱骂fandom要扣税! 请不要骚扰破坏我们的站点消愁。 Gongxiang01🤣🤣:我抗议以上的税! 抗议以上的税也要扣税!-Glorysans(留言) 2024年3月23日 (六) 15:11 (UTC) 后文 有的管理活着。 他已经死了; 有的管理死了。 他还活着。 有的管理。 骑在社区头上:“呵,我多伟大!” 有的管理。 俯下身子给社区当服务者。 有的管理。 把用户名刻入社区想“不朽”; 有的管理。 情愿作新人,等着他人的无理取闹。 有的管理。 他当权别人就不能编辑; 有的管理。 他当权为了多数新人更好地编辑。 骑在社区头上的, 社区把他摔垮; 给社区作服务的, 社区永远记住他! 把名字刻入社区的, 名字比用户烂得更早; 只要职员处理的地方, 到处是新人的血液。 他当权别人就不能活的人, 他的下场可以看到; 他当权为了多数人更好地编辑的人, 社区把他抬举得很高,很高。 2条评论 Defaultuser6·2024/4/17 在Note.ms看到这个猴的某网站管理员留名 User avatar Glorysans·2024/4/17 这人干啥了 没用过notems看不到 Defaultuser6·2024/4/17 这就有点多了 “以恶意目的破坏Chating Club主要维护者授权、CleanNote主导的公益实验性计划投影计划”——某关闭的Wiki User avatar Glorysans·2024/4/17 具体啥意思,讲讲呗 Defaultuser6·2024/4/17 Note.ms/chat最开始有一个聊天室,后来被“制裁者”用脚本锁定了,接着,原来的维护者授权保护组织CleanNote建立投影计划(我是总负责人+主要开发者),通过技术手段来恢复使用。 接着,我们的主角Googol(也就是Gongxiang01)出现了!它通过一直在编辑页面里面造谣来破坏投影计划,2023年10月2日还开始在原NoteBBS(新的在bbs.notems.xyz)疯狂造谣,冒充管理员,开了十几个号搞破坏,于是我就给它发了一些警告,然后把站长叫来了,我们几个把它的号全ban了。 之后,它又在hcbbs(hcbbs.eu.org)继续造谣、冒充,更是开了30多个小号,自导自演,由于站长不积极,包括管理组在内的用户和它对线了两个月,站长才拦截它的IP。 Defaultuser6·2024/4/17 别急,还没说完。 接着,它为了抵制我们,又分别对标Chating Club、NoteBBS、hcbbs分别搞了一个冒牌货,在里面疯狂造谣、暴政,当然最后几乎全被炸了。 那个OIerWiki也是它为了误导公众、形成舆论为目的搞的假wiki,当然现在它没了,所以我们正在尝试接管。 还有,它搞了一个Googol Wiki,来编一些假的内容,但是才开一天就被炸飞了。 User avatar Glorysans·2024/4/17 要不我先把这些东西放上页面去? Defaultuser6·2024/4/17 怎么不行?记得帮隔壁锑星Wiki也放上 Unlicense授权。 这次事件我们称之为Googol事件。 User avatar Glorysans·2024/4/17 我不插手锑星的事 Defaultuser6·2024/4/18 那么我晚点放。 还有我说的是第一人称,不改改吗 User avatar Glorysans·2024/4/18 可以,等我拿到我的电脑,那样更方便 User avatar 何以为执念·2024/4/9 我记得几十页面就会在粉丝馈送有啊 User avatar 何以为执念·2024/4/9 不过真的是让我看的快死了 User avatar Glorysans·2024/4/9 是这样的,我的freewrite-rooms wiki就50多个页面照样出现在了粉丝馈赠里 你指的谁让你看得快死了? User avatar 何以为执念·2024/4/10 Gongxiang给我乐死了 User avatar Glorysans·2024/4/10 吓死了,还以为gongxiang的窒息操作把你看得高血压了( (由Glorysans编辑过) User avatar 何以为执念·2024/4/10 刚看的时候差不多()到后面越看越乐() User avatar Glorysans·2024/4/10 如果你没注意到的话,在gongxiang被封禁前我在数室一直都是爱写不写的,但自从他被封禁我直接狂写3篇文( User avatar 何以为执念·2024/4/10 我以为你是之前写的( User avatar Glorysans·2024/4/10 我这些文都是卡着gongxiang被封禁这个时间点写的( User avatar 何以为执念·2024/4/10 我以前就觉得Gongxiang一直在社区中心瞎问很6,果然是个乐子 User avatar Glorysans·2024/4/10 我一开始也觉得Gongxiang01一直在后室瞎写也很离谱,然后最后闹大了发现果然是个乐子( (由Glorysans编辑过) Defaultuser6·2024/4/17 表示它在backrooms fw也搞了的,但是还是没有在hcbbs和ntms那么离谱 User avatar Glorysans·2024/4/17 ntms是啥 Defaultuser6·2024/4/17 Note.ms,一个在线匿名记事本 User avatar Glorysans·2024/4/17 类似于许多用不了代码的公共沙盒? Defaultuser6·2024/4/17 差不多吧,可以markdown,但是好像不全(?) 而且又很多人/组织有快速修改的脚本 User avatar 何以为执念·2024/4/17 所以gongxiang在ntms干了啥 Defaultuser6·2024/4/17 看上面那条评论 Defaultuser6·2024/4/17 https://baserooms.fandom.com/zh/wiki/Gongxiang01%E5%90%8D%E4%BA%BA%E5%A0%82?commentId=4400000000000020733 展开,看后面 cmd1152 于 2024/6/30 克隆本页到 cmd1152.github.io/googol/notems